My Story

Where it began 

Over 45 years ago I became fascinated with human potential, what makes people tick and has them feel unstoppable one day and bat shit crazy the next. This is how I find myself doing what I do today - helping people become the most powerful version of themselves. 


The personal stuff

  • I was invited into a conversation with Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street’s) company, about becoming their in-house mental performance specialist.
  • I spent 2 years training to be a stuntman, (skydiving, martial arts, gymnastics, trampolining, high board diving and stunt driving). 
  • I went from a council house in Leeds to a beachside home in Sandbanks.
  • I spent most of my childhood feeling worthless, helpless and ashamed, and as a kid was bullied most days.
  • I got free school meals and school clothes and, while I’ll be forever grateful, whoever decided to have free school lunch tickets a different colour to paid lunch tickets didn’t think it through very well.
  • I started six businesses, two were good, two were ok and two were financial failures.
  • I've launched numerous products and programmes that crashed and burned.
  • I've been ÂŁ120,000 in personal debt. 
  • I'm a 2 x black belt martial artist. 


  • Lessons learned along the way

  • Our default setting is confident, happy, creative and connected.
  • Our resilience and ability to bounce back is mind-blowing.
  • We're only ever one thought away from a different reality.
  • The mind only works one way (inside out).
  • The mind has an in-built design for success.
  • We live in a thought-created psychological reality.
  • We can achieve anything we put our minds to.
  • Who I'm a good fit for


    If you're ready to stop playing small, leave imposter syndrome behind and embark on a journey to become the most powerful version of yourself, even if it's uncomfortable and scary at times, we'll get along great.

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